2006年夏天,EverSoft® Sleep Products™️ 在美國德州休士頓的一座小公寓中誕生了。
座落當地的Space Center Houston 詹森太空中心是美國太空總署NASA 的訓練與任務控制中心,也是美國最具代表性的太空基地,其帶給我們創始團隊自由、無限的啟發與創新,思考如何運用科技來改善一般人的日常生活。
EverSoft® Sleep Products™️ 科技寢具系列,是專為現代人的通病-「壓力」設計,推出一系列釋放人體壓力、治癒疲憊身心的寢具,來應對人類日益嚴重的文明病,包含過敏、落枕、打鼾、失眠等等症狀均有適合的產品能夠解決問題。希望透過創新、直接的概念,賦予傳統寢具產業一個新的面貌。
1. deluxe-經典柔織款
2. nano-銀離子抗菌款
3. plus5-升級五面全防水款
4. pure-奈米抗菌離子款
5. cool37-冰河涼感款
A Quality Product for Your Sleep and Comfort.
Having been around the bedding and furniture industry for over ten years, we thoroughly understand the consumers’ desire for health and comfort. We also realize in this tradition realm of business, if we intend to strive for strong staying power, we must continually innovate and create high quality products that are infused with various functions.
EverSoft® Sleep Products™️ was founded in Houston, TX USA in 2006. Houston is the home of the NASA Johnson Space Center where astronauts training and mission control center are conducted. This space center remains an icon of space exploration. The spirit of innovation in space has inspired our research team immensely leading us to constantly investigate how to improve our products so they can better meet the needs of our customers.
Created by our research team in the U.S., the EverSoft® Sleep Products™️ high tech sleep line was specifically designed to combat a number of common health issues caused by stress that our modern day consumers face. These stress related health issues include pain, snoring, stiff neck, insomnia, and allergy.
Our products have been well researched and designed to alleviate the distress from these ailments. Consumers’ need has always been a priority and the base upon which we develop our products and we hope we are able to give a very traditional product a novel outlook.